kaca depan jelas bahasa Inggris
- kaca: glass; pane; meth; deoxyephedrine;
- kaca depan: windscreen
- depan: face of; fore; advance; forward; front; head;
- jelas: apparent; bold; clean cut; clear; clearly;
- kaca depan mobil: windshield; windscreen
- klep kaca depan: visor
- jelas: apparent; bold; clean cut; clear; clearly; definite; evident; obvious; perceptible; sharp; unmistakable; vivid; clarity; crisp; dawn on; distinctly; downright; evidently; flagrant; glaring; graphic;
- depan: face of; fore; advance; forward; front; head; future; before; coming; prow; subsequent; next; in front of; forthcoming; face; bow; in front; following; upcoming; ahead; speedy; frontal
- kaca: glass; pane; meth; deoxyephedrine; methamphetamine; mirror; cider; methamphetamine hydrochloride; ice; shabu; sherry; chalk; cyder; trash; crank; methedrine; chicken feed
- belum jelas: unclear; inenubilable; clear as mud
- cukup jelas: selfexplanatory
- dengan jelas: affirmatively; articulately; clearly; coherently; conspicuously; decidedly; decisively; deferentially; distinctively; distinctly; earnestly; evidently; expressly; legibly; markedly; patently; penetr
- dgn jelas: distinctly; evident
- harus jelas: be clear; must be clear
- haruslah jelas: it should be clear